This event I believe was by far my absolute favorite! I just love Halloween and to be able to actually dress up and get into the park was “a dream come true”; or so to speak. Cast members got discounted priced tickets and Katie and I took advantage of this at last minute! So we decided to go and dress up at last minute! She was a cowgirl and I was Megara from Hercules; a long lost forgotten Disney character. 
As soon as we got off work and ready, we headed there, only a few hours late. But at this event we got to enjoy holiday related music throughout the park (including Nightmare before Christmas, Haunted Mansion, Monster Mash and Boo to you). We got to see costumed characters. Our main missions were this: see the villains so I can meet Hades and give him flowers (remember Meg got a mini-lily flower) and “ask for my soul back.” The line to see the villains was CRAZY LONG! But, we luckily got to see Hades and Cinderella’s family (they only came out during treat as well) so “I got my soul back”, and cute pictures with Hades, and right afterwards, we got to enjoy the parade.
The parade |
watching the fireworks |
Another important mission was to trick-or-treat right inside the park at select locations who was giving both kids and adults that go a chance to get some treats; which we got a lot of ever so randomly. Since this was random, we remembered that Jack Sparrow was only out during treat as well so we headed over to his location which was by Mark Twain steamboat. When we got there, we said hi to the awesome character host Jason! And then when we met Captain Jack, we were the last guests and then came out Captain Hook, Peter Pan, and Wendy! Unfortunately at this time, the fireworks were happening and I didn’t get to see them like I wanted but the characters sure enjoyed them (Captain Hook’s song was playing). Then we snapped some quick pictures with them and were on our way to some more trick-or-treating. 
Since we love visiting Pixie Hallow so much, we decided to stop by and say hello to TinkerBell and friends. Of course Vidia was there too and she is my favorite fairy! I think her and Meg are twins because they both wear purple, have a known attitude problem, and even their hairstyle is the same. Now around this time, my feet were killing me (I basically wore no shoes) so we stopped in Tomorrow land to take a break and guess who we saw?! Buzz Lightyear… dancing!! So Katie convinced me that this would be a lot of fun; well she was right! We totally danced with Buzz and 2 of the Green Army Men! It was awesome! We headed to Space Mountain for a quick ride (it was Ghost Galaxy themed still), and then took some final pictures in front of the giant Mickey pumpkin! That was absolutely memorable and a blast!
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